DM Blog

Where the Sun is…


Javier is the only dog I know that actually enjoys lying in the sun. Most dogs, (or at least Cachita and lorenzo), get too hot in the sun and prefer to lay in the shade, but Javier goes out of his way to look for a patch of sunlight to lay in. Ever since he was a puppy, he’s really liked lying in the sun – it’s one of his favourite things to do.

Just the other day, Michelle had stepped out to run some errands and I was at home sitting on the computer, transferring my DVD collection over to my iTunes library. I found Javier standing on top of the box of DVDs and I wondered what he was doing up there. And then I realized – he was just trying to lay in the sun, and that’s where the sunlight was…

Javier on a Box of DVDs
Javier on a Box of DVDs
Javier on a Box of DVDs
Javier on a Box of DVDs

What a funny dog. But even funnier than this was a couple weeks ago when I had the curtains open and the sun was shining on the wall. Normally, the sun shines through our living room window into the corner where our front door is, and onto the floor. But on this day, the sun was shining up on the wall about two feet off the ground. So Javier stood up on his hind legs and was pawing at the wall as if he was trying to pull the sunlight down onto the floor. Why is the sunlight up on the wall where I can’t reach it? Come down to the floor so I can lay down! Oh, the things Javier does sometimes…